Heart Behind Artwork

“I believe things that you bring into your home
make a difference in the way you live and feel.
My artwork is inspired by joy, purpose, and abundance.
I hope my paintings are a source of
for you and everyone who enters your home, office, or space.” -Sarah Johnson

Pleasant Places

God’s plan for you creates both beauty and order in your life.

Follow the path and the beautiful journey will lead you to pleasant places.

Psalm 16:5-6

Life to the Full

The circles are symbols of our spirit, soul,
and body living in the fullness of who we are created to be.

As you live “life to the full” -
it will inspire others to do the same.

Psalm 16:11

Joyful Radiance

The bursts of color represent living with
contagious joy that radiates from the inside out!

Psalm 34:1-8